lundi 1 février 2010


We go tell you about a movie which we have saw recently. Invictus realized by Clint Eastwood.

Summary :
In 1994, the election of Nelson Mandela dedicates the end of the Apartheid but the South Africa remains a nation divided on the racial and economic plan. To unify the country and give to every citizen a motive for pride, Mandela put on the sport, and makes common cause with the captain of modest South African team of rugby. Their bet: appear at the World championship 1995...

Melanie's opinion :
It is a very good film, favour this movie we learn some rules about rugby. The story is very interesting because she explains the life of Nelson Mandela. I recommend to the persons who want to discover the story of South Africa to go see this film. Besides I find that Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon are very very good actors, they play their role with a big talent.
Mark: ****

Margot's opinion :
I also think that is really good film which redraw a part of Mandela's life. I particuly like this kind of film and I have not been disapointed at all ! I did see the time which pass. Morgan Freeman interprets very well Nelson Mandela ! As regards Matt Damon, when we look at him, we believed to see a real rugby player. Very beautiful performance on behalf of the actors !

What do you think about this film ?


Margot and Melanie

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